Comments on: No Multiple-Class Support in IE6 Speaking of web development. Tue, 09 Apr 2013 15:30:39 +0000 hourly 1 By: Spencer Goldade Spencer Goldade Thu, 02 Feb 2012 21:44:51 +0000 There's a Javascript library available from Google that was able to fix this problem for me. It also fixes a lot of other IE problems. A huge time saver rather than coding out separate stylesheets or styles for IE. There’s a Javascript library available from Google that was able to fix this problem for me. It also fixes a lot of other IE problems. A huge time saver rather than coding out separate stylesheets or styles for IE.

By: Maurice Maurice Wed, 19 Jan 2011 18:21:00 +0000 Raz- And what helpful advice have you to share with us, today? Raz- And what helpful advice have you to share with us, today?

By: Raz Raz Thu, 12 Aug 2010 15:57:30 +0000 You're all a bunch of noobs You’re all a bunch of noobs

By: nm2 nm2 Fri, 29 Jan 2010 15:28:15 +0000 #menu a#menu1.selected, #menu a#menu1.current menu a#menu1.selected, #menu a#menu1.current ]]> By: nm2 nm2 Fri, 29 Jan 2010 15:26:28 +0000 Hey everybody, I found a way to solve this problem, and it works fine here. I have: menu a#menu1.selected, #menu a#menu1.current{ background: url('../images/btn_hov.jpg') no-repeat; } So obviously IE6 recognizes only the .curent class I have included separate file for IE6 into the header: <!--[if IE 6]><![endif]--> In this file I just repeat the code but only with the class that is being ignored: menu a#menu1.selected{ background: url('../images/btn_hov.jpg') no-repeat; } I hope that helps ;) Happy coding! Hey everybody,

I found a way to solve this problem, and it works fine here.

I have: menu a#menu1.selected,

menu a#menu1.current{

background: url('../images/btn_hov.jpg') no-repeat;


So obviously IE6 recognizes only the .curent class

I have included separate file for IE6 into the header: In this file I just repeat the code but only with the class that is being ignored: menu a#menu1.selected{

background: url('../images/btn_hov.jpg') no-repeat;


I hope that helps ;) Happy coding!

By: Tejus Pratap Tejus Pratap Wed, 06 Jan 2010 05:42:32 +0000 IE 6 expressions can be used for using multiple css classes. An example can be found in the following link. IE 6 expressions can be used for using multiple css classes. An example can be found in the following link.

By: yareckon yareckon Fri, 18 Sep 2009 15:57:37 +0000 IE6 takes the last class. .one.two.three is the same as .three IE6 takes the last class. .one.two.three is the same as .three

By: Sugarenia Sugarenia Fri, 21 Nov 2008 11:35:07 +0000 I think this only hurts when you specify the same property for both classes. For example, if you set a background image on the first class and you overwrite it on the second. Then it will only load the first (or last, I'm not quite sure) one. I think it works for different properties though. The solution? Ugly but effective. Use one class (i.e. .img-center) instead of two ( Sigh. I think this only hurts when you specify the same property for both classes.

For example, if you set a background image on the first class and you overwrite it on the second. Then it will only load the first (or last, I’m not quite sure) one.

I think it works for different properties though.

The solution? Ugly but effective. Use one class (i.e. .img-center) instead of two ( Sigh.

By: Trey Piepmeier Trey Piepmeier Wed, 19 Nov 2008 04:17:38 +0000 It's funny, I had never really used multiple-class (or even class + ID) until recently because I just assumed it didn't work in IE 6. Luckily, several of the things I've been working on lately don't necessarily have to work in IE 6. Livin' in the future, baby! My advice? Just patch IE 6 with jQuery. It’s funny, I had never really used multiple-class (or even class + ID) until recently because I just assumed it didn’t work in IE 6. Luckily, several of the things I’ve been working on lately don’t necessarily have to work in IE 6. Livin’ in the future, baby!

My advice? Just patch IE 6 with jQuery.
