Postpostmodern » PHP Speaking of web development. Wed, 11 Jan 2012 00:21:50 +0000 en hourly 1 Slicehost (and Linode) LAMP Cheatsheet Tue, 17 Nov 2009 23:51:35 +0000 Jason Johnson I have set up several Slicehost slices as Ubuntu LAMP servers, but since I’m not a server admin, I always have to reference the tutorials to remember the steps. So, I’ve compiled the list of steps here, as concisely as possible. This process sets up everything you need for hosting multiple sites on a single server, and it works equally well for most servers running Ubuntu including Slices and Linodes.

Please use these only if you already know the whys and wherefores. If you don’t generally understand one or more of these steps, consult the Slicehost Articles or the Linode Articles before asking questions here. Most of the information here comes from the Slicehost Articles for Ubuntu. I have also added a few extra steps from sources cited in the footnotes.
Helping Me Out
If you need to sign up for a Slicehost or Linode account, and you plan on using this article as a guide to configure your server, please use these referral links:
Corrections to this article are also appreciated. Please note, however, that corrections != personal preference. If you have a different way of doing something, you’ll need to present a convincing case as to why it is better.
This guide/cheatsheet assumes you have already created a virtual server with Ubuntu installed.
You should also set up your DNS. If you’re using Slicehost, my Slicehost DNS script will help.
For this article, I’m using:
  • to indicate the IP address of your server
  • bob as the server’s name (hostname)
  • as the domain name
  • demo as the admin user
  • nano as my editor because I have no vi skills.

Configure Server for (Mac users only) behaves as dtterm, but Ubuntu doesn’t have the dtterm entry in its terminfo database. This fixes that.1

Save Terminal Info to a File

On your Mac (local machine)…

  1. infocmp > /tmp/dtterm
  2. scp /tmp/dtterm

Import Terminal Info

  1. Log into your server as root
  2. tic /tmp/dtterm

Some Basic Package Setup

Aptitude Upgrade

Still logged in as root…

  1. Make sure you have access to the universe repositories nano /etc/apt/sources.list and uncomment the universe repositories
  2. Update
    aptitude update
  3. Upgrade
    aptitude safe-upgrade aptitude full-upgrade

Install Build Essentials

  1. Install
    aptitude install build-essential

Install CURL

  1. Install
    aptitude install curl
  2. Install ca-certificates for ssl connections aptitude install ca-certificates

SSH and Users

Create New User and Allow sudo

Still logged in as root…

  1. Change root password, if desired passwd
  2. Add user
    adduser demo
  3. Set up sudo config
    visudo and add demo ALL=(ALL) ALL to the end
  4. Log out or switch to your local machine

Set up SSH Keys

  1. On your local machine, copy local public ssh key to server (assuming you have already created your public key on your local machine) scp ~/.ssh/
  2. Switch back to your server or log back in as root
  3. Create authorized_keys file
    cd /home/demo mkdir .ssh mv .ssh/authorized_keys
  4. Set permissions chown -R demo:demo .ssh chmod 700 .ssh chmod 600 .ssh/authorized_keys

Configure sshd

  1. Open sshd_config nano -w /etc/ssh/sshd_config
  2. Set these:
    Port 30000 (change to a port of your choosing)
    Protocol 2
    PermitRootLogin no
    PasswordAuthentication no
    X11Forwarding no
    UsePAM no
    UseDNS no
    AllowUsers demo

Setup iptables

  1. Dump existing rules cd /etc iptables-save > iptables.up.rules
  2. Copy rules file from Slicehost example curl -o iptables.test.rules
  3. Edit it and set port number for sshd nano -w iptables.test.rules
  4. Load it iptables-restore < iptables.test.rules
  5. Check the new rules iptables -L
  6. Save the new rules iptables-save > iptables.up.rules
  7. Make sure the new rules are read every time nano -w network/interfaces and make it look like this:
    auto lo
    iface lo inet loopback
    pre-up iptables-restore < /etc/iptables.up.rules
    # The primary network interface

Restart and Test sshd

  1. Reload sshd
    /etc/init.d/ssh reload
  2. Try to log in from another terminal
  3. If successful, logout

User Config

Logged in as demo...

Configure Nano

  1. Set some configuration cp /etc/nanorc ~/.nanorc nano -w ~/.nanorc
  2. Uncomment these lines:
    # set brackets ""')>]}"
    # set nowrap (should be set by default in recent versions) # set tabsize 8
  3. Change tabsize to 2 or 4 or something:
    set tabsize 4

Add Bash Aliases

  1. Create aliases file nano -w .bash_aliases and add:
    alias lo='logout'
    alias mksite='sudo /usr/local/a2mksite/'
    alias free='free -m'
    alias ag='sudo apache2ctl graceful'
    if [ "$TERM" != "dumb" ] && [ -x /usr/bin/dircolors ]; then
        eval "`dircolors -b`"
        alias ls='ls -la --color=auto'
    # Git
    alias gst='git status'
    # alias gl='git pull'
    alias ga='git add'
    alias gp='git push'
    alias gd='git diff | mate'
    alias gc='git commit -v'
    alias gca='git commit -v -a'
    alias gb='git branch'
    alias gba='git branch -a'
    alias gco='git checkout'
    alias glog='git log --pretty=format:"# %aD : %an%n%n* %s%n%n%b%n"'
    alias glt='glog --since=yesterday'
    alias gly='glog --since="2 days ago" --until="1 day ago"'
  2. If necessary, activate aliases in .bashrc nano -w .bashrc and uncomment the part that loads .bash_aliases
  3. Get the aliases working source ~/.bashrc

Basic Server Config

Set Hostname2

  1. Name your server by setting a short hostname in /etc/hostname sudo nano /etc/hostname and type
  2. Set the fully-qualified domain name in hosts
    sudo nano /etc/hosts and add bob
    below the localhost entry
  3. Reboot sudo reboot
  4. Check hostname
  5. Check FQDN
    hostname -f

Set Locale

  1. Generate locale info
    sudo locale-gen en_US.UTF-8
  2. Update locale
    sudo /usr/sbin/update-locale LANG=en_US.UTF-8

Set Timezone

  1. Start up timezone configurator and follow instructions
    sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata


Install Git

  1. Install
    sudo aptitude install git-core


Install svn

  1. Install
    sudo aptitude install subversion

Web Server

Install a2mksite

a2mksite is a script that I wrote that allows you to create an Apache virtual host with one command (including the document root, config files, log rotation, etc). One thing you should know is that it creates a directory structure for multiple web sites (virtual hosts), placing each site's public and log directories in its own directory like so: /var/www/sites/

Read the description here to learn more about what it does.

  1. Clone a2mksite from Github git clone git://
  2. Move it to /usr/local sudo mv a2mksite /usr/local
  3. CHOWN it to root sudo chown 0:0 /usr/local/a2mksite
  4. Make sure you have the script aliased as mksite in your .bash_aliases file (see Bash Aliases snippet earlier in this post).

Install Logrotate

  1. Install
    sudo aptitude install logrotate

Install Apache

  1. Install sudo aptitude install apache2 apache2.2-common apache2-mpm-prefork apache2-utils libexpat1 ssl-cert
  2. Set up basic config using my httpd.conf as an example wget sudo mv httpd.conf /etc/apache2/httpd.conf sudo nano /etc/apache2/httpd.conf
  3. Enable Modules
    sudo a2enmod auth_digest dav dav_lock rewrite
  4. Create errors dir
    sudo mkdir /var/www/errors
  5. Create maintenance dir
    sudo mkdir /var/www/maintenance
  6. CHOWN them
    sudo chown -R demo:demo /var/www/errors /var/www/maintenance
  7. Create global 404
    nano -w /var/www/errors/404.html
  8. Create maintenance page
    nano -w /var/www/maintenance/index.html
  9. Make default site
    mksite default and overwrite the original default


Install MySQL

  1. Install
    sudo aptitude install mysql-server mysql-client libmysqlclient15-dev
  2. Set root password (follow instructions during installation)


Install PHP

  1. Install PHP sudo aptitude install libapache2-mod-php5 php5 php5-common php5-curl php5-dev php5-gd php5-imagick php5-mcrypt php5-memcache php5-mhash php5-mysql php5-pspell php5-snmp php5-sqlite php5-xmlrpc php5-xsl php5-xcache
  2. Edit xcache.ini sudo nano /etc/php5/apache2/conf.d/xcache.ini and set xcache.var_size to something other than zero
  3. Edit php.ini sudo nano /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini and set error output, max upload size, etc.
  4. Restart Apache sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

Mail (for sending via PHP)

Reverse DNS

  1. Set Reverse DNS in SliceManager or Linode Manager to your server's FQDN, i.e. what you see when you type hostname -f
  2. Check it
    sudo aptitude install dnsutils dig -x


  1. Install Postfix
    sudo aptitude install postfix mailx
  2. Test Postfix
    mail and send a message. Don't forget: ctrl-d ends the message.
  3. Optionally continue configuration as described here

A Backup Solution

The following is my own backup solution for my web sites. It backs up the MySQL databases and web site files. Then, it sends a copy to Amazon S3.

Install Ruby for S3Sync

  1. Install Ruby sudo aptitude install ruby1.8-dev ruby1.8 ri1.8 rdoc1.8 irb1.8 libreadline-ruby1.8 libruby1.8 libopenssl-ruby sqlite3 libsqlite3-ruby1.8
  2. Symlink locations sudo ln -s /usr/bin/ruby1.8 /usr/bin/ruby sudo ln -s /usr/bin/ri1.8 /usr/bin/ri sudo ln -s /usr/bin/rdoc1.8 /usr/bin/rdoc sudo ln -s /usr/bin/irb1.8 /usr/bin/irb
  3. Install Ruby Gems (optional) wget tar xzvf rubygems-1.3.7.tgz cd rubygems-1.3.7 sudo ruby setup.rb cd .. rm -R rubygems-1.3.7* sudo ln -s /usr/bin/gem1.8 /usr/bin/gem
  4. Update gems sudo gem update sudo gem update --system

Install S3Sync

  1. Download and move S3Sync wget tar xvzf s3sync.tar.gz sudo mv s3sync /usr/local/ sudo chown 0:0 /usr/local/s3sync/ rm s3sync.tar.gz
  2. Make sure you installed the ca-certificates package earlier (see "Install CURL" above)

Install Web Server Backup Script

  1. Clone it from Github sudo git clone git:// /usr/local/web-server-backup
  2. Configure it according to the README sudo nano /usr/local/web-server-backup/
  3. Test Run sudo /usr/local/web-server-backup/

Schedule the Backup with Cron

  1. Create a cron job sudo nano /etc/cron.d/web_server_backup
  2. Make it look something like this:
    30 4 * * * root /usr/local/web-server-backup/ > /dev/null

There is no step 54.

Okay. That was a lot of steps, but everything should be running properly now. Though this article is mostly for my own reference, your comments are welcome.

  1. OS X Terminal Emulation Woes ↑ back up there
  2. Linux Hostname Configuration ↑ back up there
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A Body with Class Fri, 20 Feb 2009 23:07:12 +0000 Jason Johnson This Short Version

Add a class attribute to your tag for each part of the page’s path in the URL. E.g.: The page should have a body tag that looks like <body class="about history">. It makes styling those sections of your site nice and simple.

The Explanation

Often times, specific styling/formatting is shared between similar pages. The traditional way to deal with this is to include additional CSS files when special formatting is needed. I’ve found body classing to be more useful and more efficient.1

Since the pages that share styling often also share a path in the url, it’s really simple to add the path parts as classes to the body tag. For example, say the about section of a web site needs special formatting because it has an extra sidebar or maybe some sort of widget. I would add the class ‘about’ to the body tag of all of the about pages. This method continues down the hierarchy. The page at /about/history would have a body class of ‘about history’, and so on. It’s very simple and very handy.

It’s also very simple to add this functionality to your layouts whether you’re using Rails or any other framework. My PHP framework, Phooey, does it for you automatically.

For Rails, you can include this in your layout:

<body class="<%= controller_name -%> <%= action_name -%>">

…or, if you’re using Haml (which I highly recommend):

%body{:class => "#{controller_name} #{action_name}"}

Agree? Disagree? Confused? Let me know down there in the comments.

  1. I am of the opinion that you should only include one CSS file per media type in any page of your site (except for the IE stylesheets). I usually include only the following stylesheets in every page of every site: all.css, screen.css, print.css. And each one of those is minified. More on this in my forthcoming article on Sass. ↑ back up there
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